As the CEO of Keter Group, Alejandro Pena has been uniquely focused on expanding the company in its Westward lurch toward larger markets. Keter was founded almost a century ago in Israel where it quickly became prominent for its use of sustainable practices, recycled resin, and unbeatable prices. Over the years, the company has continued to focus on innovation within the home and garden decor world but with the added incentive of focusing on sustainability.
Under the guidance of Alejandro Pena, Keter is taking aim at a few of its more lofty sustainability goals as the year gets going. Let’s take a closer look at these sustainability goals under the guidance of CEO Alejandro Pena.
Core Pillars of Keter’s Success
At the time of this writing, Keter’s products are available in over 100 countries around the world, providing value and value-added goods for over 70 years. Focusing on sustainability and elegance, Keter has garnered a reputation for its upscale products and low prices.
Alejandro Pena has been focused on three central pillars while developing Keter for the current market. Pena said of his outlook as the company’s CEO, “We think up the impossible and turn it into possible. When we’re told something can’t be done, we dare to do it.”
According to Keter, its core pillars can be summarized as such, “Better Products for Better Places, Better Planet, and Better Businesses.”
The thrill pillars prioritized at Keter serve to uplift and elevate the work being done by the business while giving its workers something to focus on. Pena believes that this process is made even easier by Keter’s clear focus on sustainability initiatives.
Keter’s Sustainability Goals
Keter has long been renowned for its use of sustainable recycled resin materials, providing top-notch products without the carbon footprint associated with virgin resin. Keter’s team of experts and engineers seek out materials and processes that are specifically light on the Earth’s ecosystem.
Pena says of Keter’s goal to create a better and more environmentally friendly future, “Most people think that the way things are is how they’ve always been and how they’ll always be. Not us, we are relentless and determined.”
To really hammer home the efficacy of its sustainability efforts, Pena and Keter touted a few of their most successful accomplishments to date.
According to the 2022 Sustainability Report compiled by Keter, the company
- Increased Recycled Content From 39% to 42% in 2022
- Recycled 80% of Total Waste
- Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2% in 2022
While Keter’s success has been easy to see and track, they are planning for bigger things to come in the future. According to Alejandro Pena, the goal is to improve its recycled materials within products to a total of 55%.